The Expression of P63 Marker in Malignant and Benign Breast Tumors

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Reem Hussain Mirghani
Khawla Abdulaziz Abdallah
Mona Ibrahim Badawi
Najma Abdulraoof
Refga Abdumalik


This is retrospective study conducted on Sudanese patient in the period from January 2021 to May 2021 at radiation and isotope center Khartoum.

 In this study we aimed to determine the expression of P63 marker in malignant and benign breast tumor.

 One hundred paraffin embedded blocks previously diagnosed as breast tumors were collected.

 The study including 65 (65%) samples of them were malignant and 35 (35%) samples of them were benign.

 All these samples were Immunohistochemically stained by using monoclonal antibodies (by indirect streptavidin-biotin technique) for p63.

All immune stained slides were scored as either positive or negative.

 Data collected from patient file and result were analyzed using social science statistic web SPSS computer program.

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How to Cite
Mirghani R, Abdallah K, Badawi M, Abdulraoof N, Abdumalik R. The Expression of P63 Marker in Malignant and Benign Breast Tumors. IJPBR [Internet]. 27Jul.2023 [cited 16Feb.2025];11(02):16-9. Available from:
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