Vegetation dynamics between an open patch and a forest edge

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Onofre S. Corpuz
Norodin C. Ali


The study was conducted in two adjacent open area (patches and forest edges) resulted from a major blowdown as a laboratory exercises in SFI 223 (Advanced Silviculture). The two areas were utilized to understand the growth dynamics of the resulting vegetation in the plots. Findings of the study reveals that the forest edge and open patch still covered with various big indigenous and exotic tree species, and lianas. Open patch has more regenerants than forest edge. The comparatively higher difference of number of regenerants in open patch particularly might be due to the fact that Forest Edge have been fully covered with vines and other woody climbers that suppressed the growth of regenerants. For basal area, still open patch has higher B.A of 23.26cm2.Minimal growth was observed in the forest edge site for the 3 weeks measuring interval. This might caused to the relatively short interval of data collection aside from the dry season occurring on the month of data collection and other site factors such as sunlight competition from cover vegetations, nutrient competition from shrubs, lianas, and grasses. In the open patch, the highest growth increment of 21.473 cc is due to the significant growth increment and absolutely higher abundance of regenerants present and low mortality rate Another possible reason is that, the site is located at SE aspects were sun can constantly penetrate to the forest floor mat drives energy for the growth of the regenerates present.

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How to Cite
Corpuz O, Ali N. Vegetation dynamics between an open patch and a forest edge. IJPBR [Internet]. 31Mar.2014 [cited 23Feb.2025];2(01):62-7. Available from:
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